COMID S.R.L. promotes the development of its technologies, production methods
and, more generally, of all activities according to procedures oriented
protection of natural resources, in compliance with legislation.

The improvement of the environment is achieved through the following basic principles:
To pursue these principles, COMID S.R.L. has decided to develop and maintain an Environmental Management System aimed at maintaining continuous improvements in environmental performance, harmonising objectives and targets with the company's general objectives, integrating them into a single management context.
The company believes that the involvement and participation of all employees in an active manner, each according to his or her skills, is an integral part of the Environmental Management System, for its maintenance and constant improvement over time. In this regard, the company management is committed to continuing the actions aimed at developing the environmental awareness of all personnel through appropriate training and awareness programmes.
Lastly, the company management undertakes to promote the necessary actions to make its suppliers aware of the adoption of correct environmental behaviour according to programmes consistent with the company's environmental management programme.